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The Forefront of AI Trends: AI Decodes Gen Z Cultures and Creatives

Kumiko Horiba, Chief Intelligence Officer at HCAP (Left) and Kota Ito, R&D Director at HILL (Right)

Kumiko Horiba, Chief Intelligence Officer at HCAP, shared her expertise on the interplay between AI and Human Intelligence (HI) at the AI Evolution event in New York, hosted by Quilt.AI. Her presentation focused on how AI can inspire human intelligence to fuel creative development.

Text Semiotic Cluster Chart based on Trending Keywords among Japanese Gen-Zs

For this presentation, Kota Ito, R&D Director at HILL, shared findings from a fascinating study on Gen Z values in Japan. This study revisited a similar survey conducted 30 years ago, revealing a significant value shift in the younger generation.

HCAP complemented these findings by utilizing Quilt.AI’s semiotic model to analyze trending words on social media among Gen Z. These insights were then integrated to evaluate creatives and communications tailored to the Japanese Gen Z model.

Kumiko concluded the presentation by stating: "Quilt.AI’s semiotic model embraces human intelligence and inspires creativity through an in-depth reading of culture. This approach underscores the power of AI not just as a tool for efficiency, but as a catalyst for deeper human understanding and creative inspiration."

If you’re interested in learning more about this study, feel free to reach out to us!

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